A First Rate CPA Tutorial At a Bargain Price

abp Online Business

Some people are getting wealthy virtually overnight doing CPA (Cost Per Action) affiliate marketing. In which the affiliate is paid for just getting someone to provide contact information. Due to the high profit potential, training courses by the gurus are priced in the $1000, I recently reviewed a course consisting of 10 hours of recorded webinars that has been selling as a Warrior Special Offer for $47. [ As usual this is not a product pre-launch hype review,  I didn’t get a chance to see it until a friend had fully digested his copy of this course] this WSO was first offered in June 2010, the low price has to do with the author not having a big guru name, and the absence of the usual huge sales affiliate cuts, (one of the other CPA courses gave a car to it’s top affiliate, sadly this is an uncompensated review). This course is due to be expanded and repackaged for broader distribution at a cost of $149, still a bargain in comparison to far too many guru courses that are priced as if we were already millionaires. (There is one Facebook automation product recommended in the course that has since received a C&D from Facebook and been removed from the market)

Chad Hamzeh although relatively new to internet marketing, has been quite successful claiming to have made $350,000 gross in 13 months, which is pretty much the length of his CPA career. No doubt the quick success has to do with his driven, over achiever nature, he was a pro MMA fighter with an 18 fight record before getting into marketing. (There seem to be some parallels with Tim Ferris of The 4 Hour Work Week, who won a kickboxing tournament employing strategy in which he re-gained 28 pounds in the 24 hours following the weigh in.) Chad, who is a Ferris fan also demonstrates his smarts and solid communication skills in this course.

In the Conversion Campus course Chad shares in a forthright manner, his first hand experience with what actually works for him in CPA , (let’s hope he doesn’t get too flashy in the future) , he only recommends resources and strategies that he has had success with, he shares all the details of one example campaign that earned him $2440 in 7 Days. This course doesn’t attempt to teach the basics, he concentrates on insights you can’t gain from reading a manual. The biggest part of the course focuses on the different paid traffic sources ranging from $10 a day Pay Per Click to $100,000 a month media buys. While all the CPA courses emphasize the importance of getting a 24 hour out clause written into a media insertion order, Chad goes on to detail several other important options of an insertion order. Other traffic sources discussed include social media, mainly Facebook, direct site banner placement and CPV. Chad ranks the top 4 CPA networks he works with, but provides a list of some 100 others. He also discusses split testing and tracking, detailing the advantages of the pay per use tracker he uses, which adds a $0.04 to $0.11 CPM cost to your traffic.

You can get a feel for his style by viewing a free 1 hour introduction to the course, in which he provides useful ppc traffic information, and shows the step by step setup of an early  CPA campaign, While I can’t recommend that a beginner start with CPA marketing, (you can blow a lot of money before getting the hang of it, some lost big money following one less then authentic course), there’s enough information on moderate volume paid traffic, like a basic affiliate website might need, to make the course worthwhile for most marketers.

I’ll just provide you the link to the Chad Hamzeh site, where you can sign in to an (unverified) email submission form to get access to the prequel video, clicking the banner currently takes you to the $47 WSO, but expect it to take you to the fancy wrapped higher priced version shortly.

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